영어-무역·회화 등 1216

|fizzle |out → fiz·zle (비격식)-1.흐지부지되다

|fizzle |out → fiz·zle (비격식)-1.흐지부지되다 fizzle out to fail or to end in a weak or disappointing way, often after having started strongly Their promise seems to have fizzled out 그들의 약속은 흐지부지된 것으로 보인다 fizzle out-흐지부지되다 용두사미로 끝나다 라는 의미로 come to nothing end(up) in an aniclimax ,thin out, peter out과 같은 뜻으로 사용됩니다. The plan started well but ended in an anticlimax 그 계획은 시작은 잘됐지만, 결국 용두사미로 끝났다. The campaig..

be all |ears-1.온통 귀에 정신을 모으다[열심히 귀를 기울이다]

be all |ears-1.온통 귀에 정신을 모으다[열심히 귀를 기울이다] ‘Do you know what he said?’ ‘Go on—I’m all ears.’ 속도조절 ‘그가 뭐라고 했는지 아니?’ ‘말해 봐. 난 열심히 귀를 기울이고 있으니까.’ be all ears listen very carefully and with great interest be-all and end-all 구 If something is the be-all and end-all to you, it is the only important thing in your life, or the only important feature of a particular activity. She was all ears when he told..

stay |put → stay 1.(있던 자리에) 그대로[가만히] 있다

stay |put → stay 1.(있던 자리에) 그대로[가만히] 있다 stay put/stay where you are; not travel, escape, look for another job, etc Stay put and there'll be no trouble 그대로 가만히 있어라. 그러면 아무 문제 없을 것이다 stay out-가만히 있다 '움지이지 않고 그 자리에 그대로 있다'는 뜻으로 put대신 still을 쓰기도 하며, keep(stand/sit) still, hold oneself, sit tight로 표현하기도 합니다 Stay still until they are out of sight 그들이 보이지 않을 때까지 꼼짝말고 있어라 Keep still while I take the pho..

a walk in the park- 아주 쉬운 일이다.

a walk in the park- 아주 쉬운 일이다. This project is not like a walk in the park. 이 공사는 아주 쉬운 일은 아닌 것 같다. This task is a walk in the park for him 이 일은 그에게는 식은 죽 먹기다 a walk in the park-아주 쉬운 일 공원 산책 만큼이나 간단하다는 뜻으로, a piece of cake, pushover, child's play와 같은 의미로 쓰입니다 Landing this type of aircraft is a piece of cake for an experienced pilot 이런 종류의 비행기를 착륙시키는 건 경험 많은 조종사에겐 누워서 떡 먹기다. It's child's play to..

look away from/~로부터 눈길을 돌리다

look away from/~로부터 눈길을 돌리다 to look in the opposite direction, to turn your eyes away from somebody/something turn away from something ( turn somebody away from something ) to stop, or to make somebody stop, supporting somebody/something or being interested in something get away from it all go away somewhere on holiday/vacation, etc. in order to escape from pressures at work, home, city life, et..

be on good[bad, friendly, speaking, visiting]terms with/저장1.…와 좋은[나쁜, 친근한, 말을 건네는, 서로 왕래하는] 사이이다

be on good[bad, friendly, speaking, visiting]terms with/ 저장 1.…와 좋은[나쁜, 친근한, 말을 건네는, 서로 왕래하는] 사이이다 관련어휘 I am on good terms with my neighbor. 속도조절 나는 이웃과 좋은 사이로 지낸다. 영영사전 enough/something to be going on with- something that is enough for a short time be on good, bad, friendly, etc. terms (with somebody have a good, bad, friendly, etc. relationship with somebody Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learne..

out of spite/악의에서

out of spite/악의에서 1. 형용사 Someone who is out of touch with a situation is not aware of recent changes in it. 2. 형용사 If you are out of touch with someone, you have not been in contact with them recently and are not familiar with their present situation. I am sure she picked her neighbor's flower out of spite 그녀가 악의를 품고 이웃의 꽃을 꺽은 것이 틀림없다. out of spite-악의에서 앙심을 품고라는 뜻으로 from(out of) malice, out of m..

you can say |that again → say1.정말 그렇다[(당신 말에) 전적으로 동의한다]

you can say |that again → say 1.정말 그렇다[(당신 말에) 전적으로 동의한다] 관련어휘 ‘He’s in a bad mood today.’ ‘You can say that again!’ 속도조절 “그가 오늘은 기분이 안 좋아.” “정말 그래!” 출처 : 옥스퍼드 영한사전 영영사전 15 you can say that againI I agree completely, I know that already you can say that agai [Phrase] (idiomatic,in response to another person) That is very true. you can't say fairer (than that used to say that you think the offer ..

wrap one's head aroud-을 헤아리다, 이해하다

wrap one's head aroun 1. [Verb] (informal,figuratively) To come to a good understanding of. 2. [Verb] (informal,more,_,literally,uncommon) To crash into (something, especially a pole) messily and fatally while travelling in a motor vehicle.-자동차로 여행하다가 기둥같은 것에 치명적이고 망진창으로 충돌하다 3. [Verb] &lit wrap head around I can't wrap my head around why he would do something so stupid 나는 그 사람이 왜 그런 바보 짓을 하는지 이..

|wild |goose chase-명사1.부질없는 시도[추구], 헛된 노력

|wild |goose chase- 명사 1.부질없는 시도[추구], 헛된 노력 영영사전 11 wild goose chase ( wild-goose chase 명사 If you are on a wild goose chase, you waste a lot of time searching for something that you have little chance of finding, because you have been given incorrect information. Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary wild-goose chas. 1. [Noun] (figuratively) A futile search, a fruitless errand; a..