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look away from/~로부터 눈길을 돌리다

최만섭 2021. 9. 14. 05:08

look away from/~로부터 눈길을 돌리다

  • to look in the opposite direction, to turn your eyes away from somebody/something

turn away from something ( turn somebody away from something )

  • to stop, or to make somebody stop, supporting somebody/something or being interested in something

get away from it all

  • go away somewhere on holiday/vacation, etc. in order to escape from pressures at work, home, city life, etc

Many people try to look away from needles when they get vaccines

많은 사람들은 백신 주사를 맞을때 주사바늘을 안 보려고 한다.


look away from -외면하다

일부러 눈길을 돌리거나 못 본 체한다는 뜻으로 , turn away from,

look the other way, turn one's back, turn a blind eye to와 같은 의미로 사용합니다


I turned away from the couple as they started fighting in front of me

나는 그 커플이 내 앞에서 싸우기 시작해서 외면해 버렸다


Don't turn a blind eye to your old friends

옛 친구들을 못 본척 하지 마라