|wild |goose chase-
1.부질없는 시도[추구], 헛된 노력
영영사전 11
wild goose chase ( wild-goose chase
- 명사 If you are on a wild goose chase, you waste a lot of time searching for something that you have little chance of finding, because you have been given incorrect information.
Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
- 1. [Noun] (figuratively) A futile search, a fruitless errand; a useless and often lengthy pursuit.
- 2. [Noun] A task whose execution is inordinately complex relative to the value of the outcome.
- a (long) search for something that you cannot find because you have been given the wrong information
You are on a wild goose chase-당신은 헛수고를 하고 있다.
wild goose chase-헛된노력, 부질없는 시도
직역하면 '기러기 쫓아가기'라는 뜻으로 hopeless pursuit(희망없는 추구), vain attempt(헛시도)
wasted effort(무의미한 노력), waste of time(시간 낭비), wildcat scheme(허망한 계획)을 의미합니다.
Their attempt turned out be a wild goose chase.
그들의 시도는 헛수고로 돌아갔다
It will be a wild goose chase to do this without a plan
이것을 계획없이 하는 것은 헛된 시도가 될 것이다.
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