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Believe it or not믿거나 말거나

최만섭 2021. 11. 5. 05:59

Believe it or not

믿거나 말거나


1.So you guys were out there.

그래서 거기에 당신들이 있었어요


2. You're wearing a gorgeous outfit

당신이 거기서 정말 멋진 옷을 입고 있었어요


3. And I want to show a picture of the outfit you're wearing

그옷 사진을 보여주고 싶네요


4. It's actually a men's suit, believe or not

그거 사실 남자 옷이에요. 믿기 힘들지만.


1. Believe or not, I'm actually very smart

믿기 힘드렜지만, 난 사실 매우 똑똑해


2. I'm over fifty years old, believe or not

믿기 힘들겠지만, 나 50 넘었어


3. Believe or not, they got married

믿기 힘들겠지만, 걔네 결혼했어


4. Believe or not, I saw a ghost