영어-무역·회화 등

Play it by ear -형편에 따라 하다. 임기웅변으로 하다

최만섭 2021. 8. 5. 05:27

Play it by |ear → ear (비격식)


  • 1.(사전 계획을 세우기보다) 그때그때 봐서[사정을 봐 가면서] 처리하다
  • 관련어휘
  • I don’t know what they’ll want when they arrive—we’ll have to play it by ear. 속도조절
  • 난 그들이 도착하면 뭘 원할지 몰라요. 우리가 사정을 봐 가면서 일을 처리해야 할 거예요.

Play It By Ear

  • 1. play (music) which you have heard or remembered but which you have not seen written down
  • 2. decide how to act in a situation as it happens or develops, rather than by planning in advance

play by ear

  • 1. [Verb] (transitive,and,intransitive,of music) To play guided by one's musical ear, rather than from a written score.
  • 2. [Verb] (transitive,and,intransitive,idiomatic) To do by guessing, intuition, or trial and error; to react to events as they occur.

I didn't plan for the trip. Let's play it by ear

여행 계획을 세우지 않았어, 상황에 따라 되는대로 다니자.


Play it by ear -형편에 따라 하다. 임기웅변으로 하다

계획에 따라(according to plans made earlier) 하지 않고 상황 변화에 맞춰 즉흥적으로 (in an imporvised way)하는 것을 말합니다.


I think I have to work late today, so let's play it by ear

나는 오늘 늦게까지 일해야 할 것 같으니 형편이 되는 대로 합시다.


We don't know how many pepole will come. We'll play it by ear

얼마나 많은 사람이 올지 모른다, 상황 변화를 보고 대처 할 것이다