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Bob's your uncle-식은 죽 먹기지 뭐! 그게 다야

최만섭 2021. 6. 7. 05:36


Bob's your |uncle (英, 비격식)

  • 1.식은 죽 먹기지
  • 관련어휘
  • Press here and Bob’s your uncle! It’s disappeared. 
  • 여기만 눌러, 식은 죽 먹기지! 그게 사라졌잖아.
  • 어떤일을 하거나 문제 푸는(solve a problem)방법을 설명하고 그것이 얼마나 얼마나 귀운 가를 강조하는 (emphasize how easy it is)표현으로 That's it 또는 It's a pushover와 같은 뜻입니다.

Just follow the instruction and Bob's your uncle.

설명된 대로 따라 하기만 해, 식은 죽 먹기야!

Just press the button and wait. That's it

그냥 단추만 누루고 기다리기면 돼. 그게 다야

To make the salad dressing, put oil. vinegar, honey, and mustard into a bowl, mix them. It is a pushover

샐러드 드레싱을 만들려면 그릇에 오일, 식초, 꿀, 겨자를 넣고 섞어 주기만 하면 된다.


영영사전 9

(and) Bob's your uncle

  • often used after explaining how to do something, solve a problem, etc. to emphasize how easy it is

Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English

Bob's your uncle

  • [Phrase] (UK,Canada,idiomatic) "No problem", "the solution is simple", "there you have it", you have what you want, all will be well; ''indicates a desirable conclusion has been reached''.


Bob's Your Uncle

  • Things are easy. Historyically, comes from when you are related to victorian Royalty. Specifically, Robert Cecil.