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co cut a long story short-간단히 줄여서 말하면

최만섭 2021. 6. 22. 05:43


to make a long story ˈshort

간단히 줄여서 말하면

to cut a long story short ( to make a long story short )

  • used when a speaker is not going to describe all the details of something, only the final result

Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English

a short cut (to something)

  • 1. a shorter way to go to a place
  • 2. a way of doing something more quickly or easily

Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English


To cut a long story short, he is an opportunist

간단히 말해서 그는 기회주의자다


cut a long story short-간략하게 줄여서 말하다

cut대신 make를 쓰기도 하며, to cut briefly(simply), in a nutshell, in short, in a wor와 같은 뜻입니다


To make a long story short, everything worked well

한마디로 말해서 모든 것이 다 잘됐다


To put it in a nutshell, he went bankrupt at last

간단명려하게 말하면, 그는 끝내 파산했다는 것이다.