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collect oneself-1.마음을 가라앉히다

최만섭 2021. 10. 20. 05:28

collect oneself-1.마음을 가라앉히다

  • Mike collected himself
  • 마이크는 마음을 가라앉혔다.

collect oneself-[Verb] To recover from surprise, embarrassment, or fear; to regain self-control.


You need to collect yourself before you say something

뭔가 말을 하기 전에 마음을 가라앉힐 필요가 있다


collect oneself - 마음을 가라 앉히다

oneself 자리에 one's wit(thought)를 넣어도 되며, calm oneself down, compose oneself, 

put oneself down, compose oneself together, get(take) a go on oneself와 같은 의미입니다.


Sometimes it's difficult for me to collect my wits

나는 때때로 마음 가라앉히기가 어렵다


I could not pull myself together and yelled at him

나는 마음을 가라앉히지 못하고 그에게 소리를 질렀다